For me, assemblage allows the pursuit of ideas like these:
A collage of assembled pieces.Duck with broken wing.A Christmas present I made for my brother and his wife for their garden.This is not something I did. It used to hang on an exterior wall at the art museum at City Park in New Orleans. I took this picture in 1009 or 1010. It is no longer there. I recently asked a staff person the whereabout, but she didn’t know what I was talking about. It must have gotten where it was going.I bought the frame from antique dealer and hung bulbs on it. We couldn’t figure out what the wood frame was or did. It is just cool.Headlight bar at an angle. Rusty now.Hard to see the old basketball hope attached to a car axel part.Eight by eight posts, vertical.One side of old coal furnace clinker grate made vertical.Ford fender with angelic qualities.tractor part candle holder, welded.Scooter wheel Another gift I made for brother and his wife for their garden.Lurkers in the woods.Clinker grate with wings and fuselage.canoe part.Another slice of canoe.Yet another. There are more.Rock, old license plate freight and stone from south shore Lake Superior, carved.Assemblage assembled.This is from an old Morris canoe, but I’ve always thought this cubed seat spacer, usually a cut-up dowel on most old canoes, was artistically done.Piece of wood with hole filled with handmade square nails. And next to it a jar of small oil cans.Items of my dad’s. The wood comes from a backbar from a Texas bar just before a reservoir covered the area in water. The keys from a box of a few things from his garage. The picture is from late 40s – my dad is standing as they approach the landing. The fish holder thing is from his garage. The wire is actually from a lamp my grandfather, dad’s dad, made while building ships (rumored to be submarine) in Bremerton Washington during WWI. My grandfather HELD these frayed wires. I still have the lamp.Blacksmith tongs I no longer have.One of my favorites – I call iy “Kitchen Angel”. it was made up of mostly items from my dad’s garage.My grandfather’s lamp.